Additional Info

a) Marketing and CEX Allocation Burn: The entire 5% allocation for CEX burned and 5% allocated to the marketing wallet, of which 83.85% has been burned, leaving 16.15% for marketing purposes. This strategic decision ensures that these tokens will never be reintroduced into the ecosystem. By burning these allocations, the project demonstrates a commitment to long-term token scarcity and value appreciation.

Reference: CEX Allocation Wallet Burnt:

Marketing Allocation Wallet Burnt:

b) LP Burn: Additionally, 28 ETH worth of LP tokens has been burned. This action permanently removes these tokens from the LP, reducing the overall liquidity in circulation. The LP burn further contributes to the deflationary nature of $SMUDGE, increasing the potential value of the remaining tokens and fostering security for buyers and promoting trust & transparency among holders.


These burn events play a crucial role in shaping the tokenomics of $SMUDGE. By reducing the supply of tokens allocated to marketing, CEX support, and LP, the project aims to create a more favorable supply-demand dynamic, potentially benefiting token holders and fostering a stronger sense of token value.

It's important to note that burning these allocations reflects the commitment of the $SMUDGE project to transparency, accountability, and long-term sustainability. The decision to burn these allocations demonstrates a strategic approach to token management, ensuring the project's alignment with the interests of its community and investors.

Last updated